



职位/角色: 创始人、审美 & 激光技术员,注入器 & 抽血者
地点: Eagan,明尼苏达州
成立于: 2020

更新MedSpa, 朱莉·戴维斯创办了一家, 在3月1日开业时,他们面临着一个充满挑战的开端, 2020, 但由于大流行,不久之后就关闭了它们. Despite these obstacles, Julie managed to reopen in June and the spa has been thriving ever since. Julie's background in corporate communications and her passion for aesthetics drove her to start the business. 水疗中心提供一系列的服务, 从激光脱毛到换肤和减肥计划. 在面临与商业伙伴分道扬镳等挑战时, Julie's focus on personalized care and dedication to helping clients has led to repeat business and positive reviews. 她建议仔细规划, 利用SCORE等资源, 对于有抱负的企业家来说,不要被反对者吓倒. The Medspa's success story reflects the importance of believing in oneself, 寻求指导, 适应挑战.


我是更新MedSpa的创始人, 提供激光脱毛等全方位服务的医疗水疗中心, CoolSculpting, 肉毒杆菌, 填料, 高级皮肤紧致和换肤, 面部美容, 微针, 还有一个减肥注射项目. Our focus is on providing high-quality customer service and taking the time to understand each client's individual goals. 会见客户时, I ask myself how I can be a blessing to them and what solution I can provide to correct and help with the issue they present. The best compliment I can receive is that I made a difference in someone's life for the better. 


我有一段独特的经历,让我开始了更新MedSpa. After working in corporate communications at Wells Fargo for 21 years, 我50岁时被解雇了. 这促使我考虑走一条不同的道路. I took laser courses, which sparked my interest in the medspa industry. With my background and skills, I saw an opportunity to create something special. 尽管挑战, 我追随我的激情, 做研究, 在SCORE等资源的支持下, 我把我的设想变成了现实.


What sets 更新MedSpa apart is our focus on being a boutique medspa that prioritizes high-quality customer service. We don't aim to become a large conglomerate, but rather to provide personalized care to each client. Our goal is to truly understand people's needs and guide them toward the right services. We take the time to get to know our clients and offer a level of care that goes beyond just quick transactions. We're dedicated to making a positive impact and helping people look and feel their absolute best.


作为一名企业主,经历过高潮和低谷. One of the lows was dealing with a difficult and toxic business partner, 这导致了漫长的法律程序来解除我们的合作关系. 这是一段艰难而紧张的时期. However, since then, I've been able to grow the business according to my original vision. 积极的一面, 有很多胜利, such as building a strong client base with repeat customers who trust us. 另外, I've had the opportunity to become an expert in skin procedures and skincare and I love to learn and master treatments that provide visible and long-lasting results.  尽管面临挑战, the satisfaction of helping people and watching the business flourish has made it all worth it.

你和SCORE是什么关系? 分客户端 是什么影响了你向SCORE寻求帮助?

When I was considering starting my business, I knew I needed guidance and 支持. I had heard about SCORE and its business mentoring services, which intrigued me. I found SCORE through a Google search and attended several webinars and workshops, 它给我提供了基础知识. 有一个商业导师的想法对我很有吸引力, 尤其是因为我进入了一个新的行业. I recognized that SCORE could offer insights and perspectives that I might not have on my own. Seeking help from SCORE was a way for me to tap into experienced professionals who could guide me through the intricacies of starting and running a business.


SCORE has been an invaluable resource on my journey as a business owner. I attended several webinars and workshops, which provided me with essential knowledge and insights. The guidance I received on creating a comprehensive business plan through live plan software was crucial for obtaining an SBA loan. Although I had mentors who were not entirely familiar with the medspa industry, 他们的建议很有帮助, 尤其是在早期阶段. 皇冠现金官网的在线研讨会, 比如市场营销, have also contributed to my understanding of various aspects of running a business. 作为免费服务, SCORE为我提供了工具, 支持, and connections that have played a significant role in the success of 更新MedSpa.


他们的经验和见解, 尽管他们并不完全熟悉医疗水疗行业, 非常有帮助. 我很感激他们愿意倾听, 提供建议和资源, 帮助我批判性地思考我的生意.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting a small business?

My advice for anyone considering starting a small business is to believe in yourself and take your time in the planning phase. Don't rush into things; research and preparation are key. Utilize the resources available to you, like SCORE's workshops and mentorship. Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and can offer guidance. Be prepared for challenges and know that mistakes are part of the learning process. Stay true to your passion and goals, and don't be deterred by naysayers. Starting a business is a journey that requires dedication and perseverance, 和灵活性, 但回报是令人难以置信的满足.


我强烈推荐SCORE给其他企业主. 他们的工作坊和指导对我来说是无价的. The guidance and insights I received from SCORE have helped me navigate challenges and make informed decisions. 无论你是刚刚起步还是想要发展你的业务, SCORE provides a wealth of resources and experienced mentors who genuinely want to see you succeed. Don't hesitate to reach out to SCORE for 支持 and advice – it can make a significant difference in your entrepreneurial journey.


One of the key lessons I've learned as a business owner is that it's okay not to know everything and learning is part of the journey. I've come to understand that I can delegate tasks and seek help from others who have the expertise I lack. 认识到自己的弱点和长处对我很有帮助. 另一个教训是冒险的重要性.  走出我的舒适区是我学习和成长最多的时候. 我也意识到错误是宝贵的学习经验,  无论是选择了错误的软件还是做出了错误的决定. 犯错没什么大不了的,可以帮助我成长,变得更好. 最后, I've come to appreciate the significance of finding the right people to surround myself with—those who believe in and 支持 me. 整体, 作为一个企业主教会了我适应力, 适应性, 不要害怕冒险.

(952) 938-4570

版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

